Eicke Weber
Date of birth | 28 October 1949 |
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Current position | Former Director Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Freiburg. Professor
emerit., for Physics and Solar Energy at the Albert-Ludwigs-University,
Freiburg Member of the Freiburg Materials Research Center of the Albert-Ludwigs-University (since 12 /2006) Professor
emerit, Dept. of Materials Science, UC Berkeley. Vice President,
International Solar Energy Society ISES. |
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Fields of research | Defect Engineering in Silicon Solar Cells with high metal content ('dirty Si') Nature and electronic properties of defects in III/V thin films Solar Cells from Organic Materials |
Habilitation and Venia Legendia in Physics, University of Cologne,
Germany, Thesis: "Transition Metals in Silicon"
Dr. rer. nat. University of Cologne, Germany
Thesis: "Point Defects in Deformed Silicon"
Diploma University of Cologne, Germany
Professional experience
1983 - 1991 | Assistant, Associate Professor of Materials Science, University of California, Berkeley |
1990 | Visiting Professor, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan |
1991 - 2006 | Professor of Materials Science, University of California, Berkeley |
2000 | Visiting Professor, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan |
2004 - 2006 | Chair, Nanoscale Science and Engineering Graduate Group, University of California, Berkeley |
2006 - 2010 | Director, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Freiburg |
2010 | Member of acatech - the German Academy of Science and Engineering, Berlin. |
2009 | Honorary Member of the Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg |
2008 | Member of the SEMI International Board of Directors |
2003 | Founding President, German Scholars Organization |
2002 | Fellow, American Physical Society |
2001 | President, Alexander von Humboldt Association of America |
1996 | Founding President, Berkeley Chapter of the Alexander von Humboldt Association of America |
2019 | Visionary Influences Lifetime
Achievement Award of the "Solar Future Today Foundation", Abu Dhabi |
2009 | Electronics and Photonics Division Award of the Electrochemical Society ECS |
2006 | Award of Merit ("Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande") |
1994 | Humboldt Senior US Scientist Award |
T. Buonassisi, A.A. Istratov, M.A. Marcus, B. Lai, Z. Cai, S.M. Heald, and E.R. Weber, Engineering metal-impurity nanodefects for low-cost solar cells, Nature Materials 4, 676 (2005)
E.R. Weber, Understanding Defects in Semiconductors as Key to Advancing Device Technology, Physica B340-342, 1 (2003). (Plenary opening talk of ICDS-22)
M.H. Huang, S. Mao, H. Feick, Haoquan Yan, Yiying Wu, H. Kind, E. Weber, R. Russo, and Peidong Yang, Room-Temperature Ultraviolet Nanowire Nanolasers, Science, 292, 1897 (2001).
C.Flink, H.Feick, S.A.McHugo, W.Seifert, H.Hieslmair, T.Heiser, A.A.Istratov, and E.R.Weber,
Out-Diffusion and Precipitation of Copper in Silicon: an Electrostatic Model, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 4900 (2000).
A.A.Istratov, C.Flink, H.Hieslmair, E.R.Weber, and T.Heiser,
Intrinsic Diffusion Coefficient of Interstitial Copper in Silicon, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 1243 (1998).
M. Van Schilfgaarde, E.R.Weber, and N. Newman, Pressure Dependence of III-V Schottky Barriers - A Critical Test of Theories for Fermi Level Pinning, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 581 (1994).
J.F. Zheng, X. Liu, N. Newman, E.R. Weber, D.F. Ogletree, and M. Salmeron, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Studies of Si Donors in GaAs, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 1490 (1994).
D. Gilles, E.R. Weber, and S. Hahn, Mechanism of Internal Gettering of Interstitial Impurities in Czochralski-Grown Silicon, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 196 (1990).
Magnetic Studies of Persistent Photoconductivity in n-AlGaAs, K.A. Khachaturyan, D.D. Awschalom, J.R. Rozen, and E.R. Weber, Phys. Rev. Lett 63, 1311 (1989).
E.R. Weber, Transition Metals in Silicon, Appl.Phys. A 30, 1 (1983).